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Gas Boiler quotation request

Please complete the form below with you selection and submit.

We will then compile you quotation and returnit to you within 2 working days

Currently, what type of boiler do you have?

Currently, what type of boiler do you have?
Combination Boiler
Heat only Boiler
System Boiler

Is your boiler mounted on the wall?

Is your boiler mounted on the wall?
Yes Its wall mounted
No Its floor standing

Roughly how old is your boiler?

Roughly how old is your boiler?
0 - 10 years
10 - 20 years
20 - 35 years
25+ years
I don't know

Do you want your new boiler in a different place?

Do you want your new boiler in a different place?

Where do you want your new boiler?

Where do you want your new boiler?
Same Place in same Room
Move to Utility room
Move to kitchen
Move to garage
Move to 1st floor airing cupboard
Move to Bedroom
Move to Loft or attic
Move to somewhere else

Where's your current boiler?

Where's your current boiler?
Utility room
Airing cupboard

Which of these best describes your home?

Which of these best describes your home?

Is your bungalow on one or two floors?

Which of these best describes your home?
One floor
Two floors

How many bedrooms do you have?

How many bedrooms do you have?
1 bedrooms
2 bedrooms
3 bedrooms
4 bedrooms
5 bedrooms
6+ bedrooms

How many bathtubs do you have, or plan to have in the future?

How many bathtubs do you have, or plan to have in the future?
0 Bathtub
1 Bathtub
2 Bathtubs

How many separate showers do you have, or plan to have in the future?

How many separate showers do you have, or plan to have in the future?
0 Showers
1 Shower
2+ Showers

How many radiators do you have?

How many radiators do you have?
0-5 radiators
6-9 radiators
10-13 radiators
14-16 radiators
17+ radiators

Do you have Thermostatic Radiator Valves on all your

Do you have Thermostatic Radiator Valves on all your

Where will your flue come out?

Where will your flue come out?
I don't know

How far will your new boiler be from an outside wall?

How far will your new boiler be from an outside wall?
under 1 metre
1-2 metres
2-3 metres
3+ metres
I don't now

How close to the ground is your flue?

How close to the ground is your flue?
More than 2 metres
Less than 2 metres

How close to another property is your flue?

How close to another property is your flue?
More than 2 metres
Less than 2 metres

Will the flue be under a carport, balcony or other structure?

Will the flue be under a carport, balcony or other structure?

Will the flue be 30cm or more from a door or window? This includes any opening in the wall, like a vent

Will the flue be 30cm or more from a door or window?

Current boiler, make, modle and GC No

Upload images of your current boiler here

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